Thursday, 28 February 2013

Spacer Rivets

This spacer rivets project was a challenging project for me, as this wasn't a matter of just soldering the parts together, the placement of the rivets on each layer is a really important aspect, and the whole piece relies on this.

The brief is to concentrate on nature, and I have decided to focus on bird's nests. I chose to do this because I think the layering of twigs and leaves etc in a nest suits the brief, with the technique we are learning-tube riveting-to show the different layers in a nest. Also to focus on the detail in a nest, I will be experimenting with wire, creating samples to see if the wire work is as effective as I'm imagining it. I am also going to look further into texturing the piece, using natural objects such as twigs, long dry grass, human hair, leaves, feathers etc, things you may typically find in a bird's nest. To enhance the detail and textures, I will experiment with colouring, perhaps concentrating on Jax and removing some of the surface so that the Jax sits in the textures. I will also create some samples of texturing with a hammer, so then I can control the lines and 'draw' with the hammer.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Working with colouring titanium was successful, as I haven't before, and had no idea about how easy it was to colour!! A bit of electricity and a solution and it's done. These pieces include two of experimental and one for my final pendant. The turquoise is most definitely my favourite!! I will definitely look in to using titanium in the future.

Sunday Afternoon

These afternoons are becoming my favourite, 'Sketchbook Sundays'. Cup of tea (home from home), sketchbooks and nothing too serious!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Visiting Lecturer

(19/2), we prepared a little counter enamelling, ready for the visiting Lecturer Sarah Perkins, we counter enamelled 7 squares and will be enamelling 4 of those white on the other side. I wasn't sure what she had planned for us, but I enjoy enamelling so was looking forward.

Unfortunately we will be expecting very bad weather tonight, which is unfortunate because she is travelling from outside Kansas, Missouri and won't be able to make it. Hopefully she will be visiting in this semester.

Eyewear #1

Proving almost difficult to cut the lenses today! But I am powering through!!!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Sample piece for Birds nest pendant.
Space riveting, wire work, texturing and use of Jax.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Tonight. 18/2/13

Tonight I will be working on texturing my main piece using letter stamps and hopefully a small simple piece of riveting and adding wire work to see if it works or not! Fingers crossed!!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Collected Steampunk

My bits and bobs I've collected over the weekend. I love bits and bobs!! And can't wait to actually make my monocle!


Some sketches, ideas, inspiration and designs for my second eyewear project.

Proposal #3

Feb 12th-28th 

This brief is to produce eyewear, but they can be more of an art piece rather than a functional pair of sunglasses. So using my interest, I will be basing it on the Steampunk theme, where eye is quite popular. The typical accessory for a Steampunk costume is leather goggles, but I will be creating a modern twist to it. I will be using collected items, such as coins, keys, compasses. I will have to work on the weight of the piece making sure it isn't too heavy.

Proposal #2

Feb 6th-20th

The brief is to concentrate on nature and so I have decided to focus on birds and nests. I chose to do this because I think the layering of twigs and leaves etc in a nest, suits the brief with the techniques we are learning-space riveting- to show the different layers in a nest. Also, to focus on the detail in a nest, I will be experimenting with wire, creating samples to see if the wire is as effective as I'm imagining it. I am also going to look further into texturing the piece. To enhance the detail in the textures, I will experiment with colouring, perhaps mainly concentrating on Jax and removing the surface, so that the Jax sits in the textures. I will also be using titanium, and will be colouring it to an almost duck egg blue. I will also create some samples of texturing with a hammer, using different shaped heads to create different sized dents, and also using letter stamps to create texture, I can then be in control of the lines, and 'draw' with the hammer.

Eye wear #1

Jan 22nd-Feb 5th

The first pair of sunglasses we will make, will just be to learn the techniques and practice for our more dramatic, fun, artistic eyewear. We will learn to solder the hinges and nose pads on and to colour it using powder coating.


In this piece we also had to include 3 different types of riveting-a flush rivet, tube rivet and a standard rivet. From doing this project, I have learnt I enjoy riveting a lot more than I do soldering!!!

Proposal #1

Jan 28th-Feb 4th.

This project is to create a name tag for our locker in the studios. I will be basing mine around Steampunk, just because I am highly interested in the genre. I will be creating the look of Steampunk by creating cogs and adding collected items such as coins. I am also interested in the concept of time; the duration, historical and the past, present and future, so I will be adding clocks to the piece. We are expected to to add lettering using letter stamps, so I will be adding Roman numerals to the clocks.


Today I will be updating my blog with photographs, proposals, ideas and sketches. 

So far we have done two projects and are currently on our third and fourth project. We are doing two metals courses a week at the moment, and soon we will be starting an extra metals and ceramics project which are both independent studies. I have a few ideas for these, which you can find on my Pinterest (link below), which is where I get a lot of inspiration and help with my ideas.

The proposals are a little behind so I will put the date of the projects in the posts. Photos will be added in the week of finished projects, any experimental work and more sketches.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Powder Coating

More information to be added

Small Metals Studio

24hour access, a key for each student, and plenty of equipment! Perfection!!!


The weather here is crazy, one day the sun is out and everyone is in shorts and sandals, the next day we'll be in boots, hats and gloves!! One extreme to the next.

Willard Hall

An edited photo of outside Willard Hall.

Kansas State University

Just a few photos of Willard Hall, and around the building. This is where all our time is spent!!