Sunday, 30 June 2013

Late post..

This short essay about my future was the last requirement whilst studying at K-State. I had never thoroughly thought about my future, so I was interested in my own thoughts and ideas as I wrote this, but yes, here is a brief idea of my future and how I got to where I am now. 

In the UK before embarking on an Art Degree, students are encouraged to sit a Foundation Degree where they explore different disciplines over a year in quite a tight schedule and have to produce high level end products and a professional end of year exhibition. This course introduced my love for sketch books and certainly stretched my imagination as we were not allowed to purchase sketch books but had to design and make the sketch books, this course was the dawning of my love for jewellery. I made a number of large neck pieces all from recycled materials, my favourite being a necklace made from tightly rolled up quills of maps of locations that have had a significant impact on my life. It was at this time I realised the significance of sketch books and the meaning behind every piece of art.
The next phase involved applying for a BA degree, I researched different locations and degree programmes and realised that the sea/ocean played a large part of my choice but also the disciplines that I had discovered I most enjoyed. Hence, my choice of Ceramics and Jewellery in Carmarthen, whilst travelling is a huge part of my life and the wealth of experiences that it brings, I appreciate the culture and traditions of my home country so my choice of place and programme of study reflected these influences.
Which brings me to year 2 at K-State, an immense opportunity to study in a US university to experience totally different cultures, traditions and way of life whilst enjoying excellent facilities and tutors which will help form my choices and open my eyes to new techniques, artists and disciplines.

The direction I aim to go down is most definitely jewellery. Whilst learning basic ceramic techniques in my first year at University, I have decided that Ceramics is not the best discipline for me, as much as I enjoy and can appreciate a Ceramics piece, I much prefer putting my energy, thoughts and ideas in to metals.

My experience and time at K-State has honed my skills on stone setting, enamelling and working with resin, silver and casting. I have produced numerous brooches, rings, pendants and even glasses. The new skills I have learned include, stone setting, resin techniques, electro forming, working with silver, casting, creating glasses; the frame and cutting the lens. I’ve also extended my knowledge on some other things I already knew. I also appreciated the aspect of exhibiting my pieces and using new friends to model and photograph the exhibits, all these add to my portfolio of experience and final pieces. I have certainly matured in my approach to life and coping strategies in dealing with day - to- day survival and believe that my writing style has improved an area that I know I am weak.
I have and always will enjoy doing sketchbooks to support my projects, I love putting all my energy into the sketchbooks which I can refer back to as a research resource, as it always helps focus my mind and thought processes on the more practical aspect of my projects. I have and always will enjoy doing sketchbooks to support my projects, I love putting all my energy into the sketchbooks which I can refer back to as a research resource, as it always helps focus my mind and thought processes on the more practical aspect of my projects.
 This could be something I incorporate in my jewellery work. Becky Adams, a Welsh artist, influenced me with this I first saw her work in a gallery and later spent a day working with Becky on developing sketchbooks, she specialises in Book Art. I believe this could inspire and guide me with exhibitions, presentations, and displaying my work in different areas and arenas.

On my return to Carmarthen I will have a wealth of new techniques and experiences to apply to my final year and assist me in the choice of my final degree project. I am going to aim to produce a piece of jewellery incorporating the skills of resin and casting. I do have a skeleton of an idea for my final piece, which will need a great deal of development over the summer months before my final year. I would like to research the use of light and shadows and the concept of using the shadow as an actual piece of jewellery on an individual, this idea came from a fellow student at K-State showing me their final piece of jewellery and I noticed the shadows it produced before the actual finished piece. I have worked with projection before in Carmarthen, and look forward to enhancing ideas and final pieces.

The overseas study / experience has been worthwhile and will have a lasting impression and influence on my work in the future and I am looking longer term to a post-graduate degree possibly in London or again overseas to expand my knowledge and expertise. The idea of working with other artists and collaborating with peers in joint exhibitions excites me also, and perhaps this could happen during my travels, I am excited to see what my future holds.

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