Monday, 4 November 2013


So this update is going to be kind of an explosion of an update! I  haven't posted anything since my travels, as I have moved homes, been travelling a little more, busy with a personal tutor which I was lucky to have over the summer, and starting my final year of University.

Moving homes has had a huge impact on myself, which is what I'm basing my final project on in University, but I will talk about that again.

I have travelled to Poland, which was absolutely beautiful! We went for 3 days, visited the Auschwitz, bought loads of amber, ate loads of bread and simply had a lovely time with family.
I also visited my second home, The Red Barn, Vermont. For 2 weeks this time, which was absolutely amazing, it was during Autumn, so a little cold but so beautiful-definitely my favourite time of the year. That place always gives me a sense of belonging and nostalgia, which is something you will hear a lot about.

I was lucky enough to spend almost 2 months with the lovely Mary Ann Simmons. Such a talented lady, who was kind enough to give me her time once a week, I learnt so much from spending that time with her, and look forward to hearing and catching up with her from now on.

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